Doing Yoga in Sweaters

Slater Mclean
5 min readJan 19, 2021

How Oliver Charles could take advantage of Tik Tok

High-Level Concept

We send our sweaters to tik tokers that focus on yoga, meditation, etc., asking them to make a video of themselves doing yoga in a sweater. They make the video, and we post it on our account, or they post it on theirs tagging our account, and we reshare the post.

Why it will work

For one, it’s a somewhat novel concept. No one does yoga in a sweater. This unexpectedness may lead to the videos finding a high level of popularity. It lends itself to our brand in that the sweaters are meant to be versatile. In this case, we are taking it to the extreme, but that’s the point. Finally, our customers are likely already consuming this content/Following these accounts.

Why it won’t work

The videos aren’t that much more compelling than a typical yoga video. The connection between Oliver Charles could get lost or be confusing. Finally, we may not be able to afford to send people enough sweaters to create enough content consistently.

Risks and Mitigators


  1. Videos are not that interesting. The leading yoga influencers post yoga videos fairly rarely. They build a…



Slater Mclean

Daily Thoughts from Slater. Aspiring Forex Trader. 3x Gary Vee Conference Atendee. Currently reading 50+ books a month. Crypto only goes up.