Questions to ask before sending someone a sweater

Slater Mclean
3 min readJan 5, 2021

Would one of our customers be excited/interested/willing to meet or hang out with this person?

Whoever we have talking about our sweaters must do so in an authentic way that aligns with our brand values. There are potentially millions of people who meet the following criteria, but only a few (thousand) will align with our brand and cultivate the correct image. For example, in a perfect world, we can get Dan Bilzerian as a brand ambassador or Bill Gurley as an ambassador. Who would we choose?

Dan will likely lead to a lot more sales in the short term. He might not do that much in the long term because those sales will go to the wrong people. In comparison, Bill might lead to a much smaller number of initial sales but to higher-value customers. The type of customers that will lead to more sales in the future.

Does this person have a greater influence than a “normal” person?

Do they have an engagement rate of at least 30%?

For example:

  • I have 393 followers.
  • On average, I get about 80 likes and roughly 5 comments per post.
  • Comments are 10x better engagement, so we’ll multiple 5 by 10
  • Thus, my engagement per post is 50+80= 130.
  • Divide 130 by the number of followers I have. 130/393 = 33%.



Slater Mclean

Daily Thoughts from Slater. Aspiring Forex Trader. 3x Gary Vee Conference Atendee. Currently reading 50+ books a month. Crypto only goes up.